Zendaya's 15th birthday party

Zendaya was on September 10 celebrating her 15th birthday. [Her b-day was on September 1!]
I'm posting an article written by 8 years old girl, who was there and she was writing about it... yay, I want to be so lucky like you, @Alexirob! She met so many famous people :( and I met with none!

On 9/10/11, Zendaya celebrated her 15th birthday at a beach in southern California. She and her parents invited family and friends and Bop and Tiger Beat magazine was there.
Guests played beach volleyball (boys against girls), body surfed, got their faces painted and some even got Henna Tattoos.
The cake was a cool Z shape. The DJ played Swag it Out and when China came played Dynamite.
There was a long red carpet leading guests to the party tent.
Zendaya didn’t want presents for herself. She had a goal of getting 160 backpacks donated for less fortunate kids who live in Downtown LA. I think she got close to her goal!
Zendaya, her family and friends had fun and partied all day! One weird thing s it was really cloudy, rainy and stormy all morning but as soon as we got to the party, the sun came out and the weather was amazing!
I had SO MUCH FUN! Everyone was nice. I tried not to go fan girl crazy BUT it was great seeing some of my favorites. We got some pics with some people but not others..
It was a party and not a meet and greet.
The guests we saw were:
Kenton Duty
Davis Cleveland
Rosero McCoy
Brandon Johnson
(Bella was in Ohio meeting fans with Pia)
Allie DeBErry
Stefanie Scott
Sierra McCormick
Blake Michael
Allie Simpson (and Tom)
Madison Pettis
China, Lauren, and Sierra McClain
there were tons of her friends and family there too including her nieces and cousins and friends from Oakland.
I had a great day! I’m so glad Zendaya and her parents invited me. That was very sweet of her to consider me a friend!
I hope you liked this blog! My mom and I work hard on these blogs!
Follow Zendaya on Twitter @Zendaya96
and me @Alexirob
